Keys To Success (Middle School to High School Transition)
The Lost Generation realizes that although college readiness is and should be a focus of Texas schools, the preparation process should be emphasized in middle school. As a result, we’ve created a Keys to Success program to build sustainable futures by educating students on how to be successful in high school by producing higher GPAs and informing students of the resources around them to utilize for accelerated growth and achievement while avoiding key pitfalls.
Components of Keys To Success Program Includes:
10 Tips Recommended for Students to Know or Practice (HS Principal Feedback)
Financial Literacy (How Grades & Decisions Impact Long-Term Future Results, & The Cost of Housing, Car Insurance/Note, Groceries, Gas- Income to Expenses Ratio to Showcase The Importance of School In Creating The Life You Desire
ATC Programs Offered & Steps You Can Take Now To Succeed In College
Why GPA is Important & Free College List (If Accepted)
Community College Options & Transfer Process
HS Dos & Don'ts (From High School Seniors at Feeder School)
Things I Wish I Had Have Known (Advice From High School Seniors)
What a HS Student's Schedule Looks Like (Classes, Studying/Homework, Extracurricular Activities)
Advice From College Students & Personal Experiences
By providing students with this significant information as 8th grade students, they can start taking the necessary steps to propel them for the best outcomes in high school and beyond.