Keys To Success (High School to College Transition)
In an effort to properly prepare students for a better college experience academically, professionally, and socially, The Lost Generation has designed a Keys to Success, College Guide Program. During the program presentation, volunteers give students a guide both physically and by presentation. This guide will contain enlightening tips to effectively prepare students to achieve the most success as possible during their college experience through research, planning, and strategy.
In addition, we discuss courses, majors, helpful resources, and different organizations for students to consider. Furthermore, we also provide tips regarding applying for college and distinguishing your resume and application essay, where to find scholarships, financial aid available, internships, jobs, and housing.
Components of Keys To Success Program Includes:
10 Tips Recommended for Students to Know or Practice (Director of Retention & Initiative Feedback)
Financial Literacy (How Grades & Decisions Impact Long-Term Future Results, & The Cost of Housing, Car Insurance/Note, Groceries, Gas- Income to Expenses Ratio to Showcase The Importance of School In Creating The Life You Desire
Why GPA is Important & Free College List (If Accepted)
Community College Options & Transfer Process
College Dos & Don'ts (From High School Seniors at Feeder School)
Things I Wish I Had Have Known (Advice From College Students & Personal Experiences)
What a College Student's Schedule Looks Like (Classes, Studying/Homework, Extracurricular Activities)
7 Habits of Highly Effective College Students, Stephen Covey Analysis
By providing students with these helpful resources and special insight, students can be poised for greater opportunities in the ever-changing future that lies ahead. This event has proven to be successful and valuable to students based upon results in GPA, jobs, and leaderships positions earned by early college students who took part in this program in comparison to their peers through the Center for Learning & Development.